Advanced Technology File Encryption Utility
Software Version Status: Dev 0-1-0 (28 May 2005)

How to Use FileHashler

FileHashler is a Java program and requires JRE 1.4.2 or higher installed on your computer. This release works only as commandline program. It may be operated in console and in graphical windows modus. Windows modus is assumed as default and brings additional security benefits. For pure console modus you have to apply option "+i" on the commandline.

Place the "fhl.jar" file into some directory D. Bring up a console or a console window and set current directory to D. Type "Java -jar fhl.jar <commandline>" to start the program. A help text should be displayed. A help document can be created by applying "-h <filename>" as <commandline> argument. Read this document for command details and general information.

MS-Windows Users
Place the files "fhlw.bat" and "fhl.bat" into directory D. You can start a console window calling FileHashler by double-clicking fhlw.bat in the Windows Explorer. Continue operating in this window; you can call FileHashler by typing "fhl <commandline>".

Copyright and Legal Note

Copyright and Public Usage
This software is copyright protected material to Wolfgang Keller, Munich (c) 2005 and third parties where indicated in source code and documentation. It is made available for public use including modification exclusively under the GNU General Public License (GPL), Version 2. Please read the accompanying "License" text for proper understanding of these conditions. Remember, despite some misleading claims, this is not "freeware" software. For intended usage of this software outside of the GNU limitations please contact the rights owner under Modified versions of this program must be explicit of their status and modifying author and MAY NOT be distributed under the same product name as this software.

Liability and Legal Restrictions
This software is not commercial. Its use is entirely by your own risk and responsibility. No liability is given, other than for bad intention, for damage caused, directly or indirectly, through the use of this software. No liability can be given for the use of third party software which may be included in the packages. It is within your own responsibility to make the use of this software conforming to the local laws of your living place, in particular in regard to the use of strong data encryption.

Munich, 28. May 2005
- Wolfgang Keller